50 Things I Believe

~~ Matthew 7:12 (NIV) ~~  So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

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I’ve been planning this list for a while.  What you believe in says a lot about who you are.  Have you ever stopped to seriously pay attention to what you believe in?  Do you know yourself as well as you think you do?  Here are a few of the things I believe in.

I believe:
  1. Jesus (the Son of the only living God, the virgin birth, the death & resurrection)
  2. I believe God
  3. I’m stronger than I think I am
  4. that one of the ways God talks to me is through the messages I read in so many places
  5. in the gift of saying good-bye when it’s needed
  6. that positive thinking can be a cure
  7. anything is possible if you have faith in God
  8. in big family Christmas’s
  9. in the Golden Rule (Do onto others as you would have the do onto you)
  10. I have nothing to fear as long as I keep my eye on Jesus
  11. forgiveness can change your world
  12. showing your emotions is a sign of strength not weakness
  13. dogs are family too
  14. all people and races are equal
  15. God loves me
  16. giving is more fun than getting
  17. as long as you don’t quit you’re not a failure
  18. getting lost in a good book is a wonderful way to escape
  19. in honesty
  20. that sometimes honesty is really hard, but important in the end
  21. in good friends
  22. in great sex
  23. in the power of chocolate
  24. pizza is the perfect food (Oh, and Dorito’s too!)
  25. in the rain; it’s good for the earth and for dancing in
  26. in hot, sunny summer days
  27. in lying under the stars on a summer night
  28. in dancing to Motley Crue and Nickleback in my living room
  29. Gary Allan is one of the sexiest men alive
  30. God will take care of me
  31. red is my best color
  32. well designed interiors are good for your soul
  33. in Rock & Roll
  34. it hurts more to hurt a friend than when they hurt you
  35. there is a husband in my future
  36. the need for shoes is way over rated (& long pants too)
  37. television is sucking out our brains
  38. I have forgiven those who hurt me
  39. menopause should be outlawed
  40. I see God in my pets
  41. we have a responsibility to take care of the earth
  42. that God gave us certain animals as food
  43. that God meant for peanut butter to be extra smooth and creamy
  44. no one in the history of the world has waited as long as I have to get their first car
  45. it’s really not fun when a plastic container melts in the microwave
  46. it’s also not cool when your paper shredder eats your computer-mouse cord
  47. the thought of God curing me from Bipolar Disorder is scarier than not being cured
  48. that I mess up on a regular basis, but God forgives me
  49. I can’t survive without God’s grace and mercy
  50. it’s time for me to hear what you believe.  Share your beliefs in the comment section below. 
Let’s Pray
 ~~ Dear God ~~  Your ways are perfect.  I am not perfect.  Thank You for giving me the freedom to form my own opinions and beliefs.  Thank You for this wonderful country of Canada that gives us so many privileges and freedoms that others around the world do not have.  Please help me to always share my beliefs about Your Son, Jesus, with all that I meet.  In Jesus name, AMEN.

Now It’s Your Turn
Thoughts?  Questions?  Want to share your story?  Ask for prayer?  Please consider sharing in the comments section; even if the link you clicked to get here was on another site(If you’re on the homepage, click on the post headline, and scroll down to find the comments section.)

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  1. Thank you for sharing what you have learned so we all can grow

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you are blessed by it, as you have blessed me with your comment. Many blessings to you and your family. HUG

  2. I would add that cats are family also.

    And as for your bipolar disorder, I can understand wanting the high of the highs since that would be exhilarating, but unfortunately bipolar people have been known to believe things that aren't so in their delusions and may end up hurting those that really love them. The question is - what is more important, the highs or not hurting those that love you?

    1. Oops. Sorry I forgot kitties. lol I never had a cat; I'm allergic. The bipolar thing is always confusing, but I would put myself through anything to avoid hurting others, though it seems it doesn't always go smooth. Thanks for the feedback. Many blessings to you. HUGS

  3. A-men! Hugs

    1. Thank you. I hope you are blessed by it. HUGS

  4. Wow do I agree with alot of those.

    1. Thank you. I hope you are blessed by it. HUGS

  5. Fun read for both the serious and light hearted!

    God created me in his own image. I believe He has a plan and purpose for my life. The Nicene Creed (first adopted by church leaders in 325 AD) says what I believe well, while I also support both child and adult baptism. Our personal relationship and growth with the Holy Trinity is essential when living the Good life God intended for us in John 10:10.

    "I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

    I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,* who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen."

    I strive to worship and glorify God with joy and thanksgiving.

    Hug, hug, dear Carley! - Evelyn (aka eJoy)

    1. Thanks Evelyn. I have that creed listed on my author page. Many blessings to you. HUG

  6. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you & you're welcome. I hope you are blessed by it. HUGS

  7. Good list, hon - and anything that gets us counting blessings is all good, IMHO!

    1. Thank you. Indeed it is. Blessings to you. Hugs.

  8. Of course, I can't agree with the entire list, because it's YOUR list, not mine. But I loved the concept and agreed with a lot of them. Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging us to think about what might be on our own personal lists.

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Many blessings to you HUG.

  9. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Feel free to subscribe to get my posts in your email, or subscribe by RSS feed. Many blessings to you HUG.

  10. FRANCESHD-AGAPEDecember 04, 2012

    Another great blog !
    Have a Terrific Tuesday

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Many blessings to you HUG.

  11. Thank You

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback. Many blessings to you HUG.

  12. LILETHISKIND1December 04, 2012

    I believe that God is real

    1. Thank you so much for sharing. Many blessings to you HUG.

  13. AMANDACOETZERDecember 04, 2012

    I believe the Bible!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing. Many blessings to you HUG.

  14. That was a mouth full, Carly! Here's my two cents; that God placed a gift in all men (mankind) to serve all, so we need each other.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing. Many blessings to you HUG.

  15. I believe in forgiveness.... and that I need to forgive as I wish to be forgiven... and that I am worthy of being forgiven... no more- no less than anyone else...

    It'll clear the bitterness away
    It can even set a prisoner free
    There is no end to what it's power can do
    So, let it go and be amazed
    By what you see through eyes of grace
    The prisoner that it really frees is you

    Forgiveness, Forgiveness
    Forgiveness, Forgiveness

    1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts. Many blessings to you. HUG

  16. LILETHISKIND1December 21, 2012

    that I am wonderfully made

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Many blessings to you. HUG

  17. AMANDACOETZERDecember 21, 2012

    in friends

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Many blessings to you. HUG

  18. AMANDACOETZERDecember 21, 2012

    I believe we have to be true to ourselves and what we believe!

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for the feedback. I really like your attitude. Many blessings to you. HUG

  19. :-D I believe in and through the Lord Jesus Christ All things are Possible,,Amen

    1. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I've been on vacation. Philippians 4:13 is one of my favorite bible verses. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Many blessings to you. HUG.

    2. Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me will have life even if they die. And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Martha, do you believe this?" John 11:25-26
      Praise Christ Jesus!!
